Issue 71 | June 2022

Conversations: Bitan Chakraborty and Kiriti Sengupta

“Every detail is credible, anchored in the mundane reality of city-dwellers in urban metropolises in contemporary India. [Bitan] Chakraborty is not a fantasist or fabulist; reality is an unvarying constant…

Finding Toussaint Louverture, Spartacus of the Haitian Revolution

Contemplating Toussaint Louverture’s unfulfilled promise alongside his immense accomplishments.

John le Carré’s Life Beyond The Pigeon Tunnel

David Cromwell, a little like Smiley.

On the Fairy Tales School of English-Language Poetry

Poets reframing, repurposing, revising, and revisioning fairy tales are producing some of the most inventive and dynamic poetry today.

Loosening the Flesh & the Mind: Relic & The Taking of Deborah Logan

Watching horror movies is a kind of mastery. Metaphors become literal, and real horror is supernatural.

Photos of Tina Cane and Nick Courtright

Conversations: Tina Cane and Nick Courtright

Put simply: Humor Saves. I am a fan of humor as a survival mechanism, an ice-breaker, a rhetorical device, and vice.